Hi my name is Ben Wilson, and I love technology . That's why I've created this blog. I'm going to try to keep you posted on the latest news in the tech world. But there is a lot of it, so I'm not going to be able to post it all. Please leave comments and subscribe to my feed.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I was in Walmart today and finally got to touch the T-mobile HD2. It
was a non-functional device, but I was able to get a feel for it. The
first thing you think is "Wow, that's a big screen". It has a 4.3 inch
screen and it's just massive. But it's also very thin so it didn't
seem overly bulky. It was quite a bit thinner than the iPhone. I love
the back (which might sound funny) but there's just something about
it. The camera and flash look really great and the all metal back just
gives it a nice look. The only thing that's not great on it is that it
runs windows mobile 6.5 with HTC sense UI. I don't think it looks at
all bad. T-mobile also has the Nexus One and if it wasn't for that the
HD2 would be their best phone.

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