Hi my name is Ben Wilson, and I love technology . That's why I've created this blog. I'm going to try to keep you posted on the latest news in the tech world. But there is a lot of it, so I'm not going to be able to post it all. Please leave comments and subscribe to my feed.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The iPad

The iPad came out Saturday, April 3rd, and what will the long-term response be? Many people think it's just a big iPod Touch. What's wrong with that? The iPod touch is a great device and Apple has sold tens of millions of them. However, I don't think it's just a big iPod Touch. With a nine-inch screen, its capabilities are much greater. Is the lack of flash that big of a deal? Not to me. You can still play YouTube videos. The only two things I wish it had are 1. multitasking and 2. a camera. I think we will get multitasking for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch by summer, so that argument will not last. I think the camera is a bigger deal. If it had a camera, you would have to be in a reclining position or have it in a dock while using it. So maybe that's why they didn't include one.

One of the key features is iBooks. Why would anyone buy a Kindle? The iPad can do so much more. Wouldn't it be great if all the books you could ever read could fit inbetween one cover? Now I don't want books to disappear, but I do think it would be very nice for traveling. The apps are going to be a huge part of the iPad just like they are on the iPhone and iTouch, and we will see some really amazing apps emerge. It's not going to replace your laptop. But it can do a lot of the stuff that a laptop can do. So, that's what I think, but what do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Click here for Apples iPad guided tours.

1 comment:

  1. Apple has defined mobile computing well It seems. Their smallest laptop is no way a netbook and the iPad is almost a netbook, considering what a cramped netbook can do. Amazon claims that the Kindle reads like a book so that is one benefit of the kindle.
